Code of Conduct

sede vrfuel

Ethical Code of VRFUEL



VRFUEL is committed to conducting its business with integrity, responsibility, and respect for current laws and the rights of individuals. Our code of ethics is essential for building a positive work environment and for ensuring the trust of our stakeholders.

1. Commitment to integrity and legality

  • Compliance with Laws: VRFUEL SRL operates in accordance with Italian and European laws, particularly in the sector of petroleum products and environmental regulations.
  • Transparency: We promote transparency in all our operations and business decisions.

3. Social Responsibility

  • Environmental Sustainability: Reduce the environmental impact of our operations by promoting sustainable practices in the storage and distribution of fuels.
  • Community Support: Contribute to the well-being of local communities by supporting initiatives that promote social and economic development.


2. Respect for employees

  • Safe and healthy work environment: Ensure a safe workplace, free from discrimination and respectful of workers' rights.
  • Professional Development: Encourage skill development and professional growth of our employees through continuous training and merit-based assessments.


4. Commercial Integrity

  • Fairness in Negotiations: Operate with fairness and transparency towards customers and suppliers, avoiding deceptive or unfair practices.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Prevent conflicts of interest and always act in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders.


5. Protection of Privacy and Information Security

  • Information Security: Protect the confidentiality and integrity of corporate information and personal data of employees, customers, and suppliers.
  • Privacy: Comply with privacy regulations and ensure that personal data is used ethically and in accordance with the law.

6. Commitment to the Agricultural Sector

  • Quality Products: Providing customers in the agricultural sector with certified products that meet high standards of quality and safety.

Implementation and Compliance

  • Training and Communication: Ensure that all employees are aware of the ethical code and are trained on compliance procedures.
  • Monitoring and Audit: Conduct regular reviews to ensure adherence to the ethical code and respond promptly in case of violations.


VRFUEL SRL is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in conducting its business. Adherence to this code is essential for the long-term success of our company and the trust of stakeholders.

Corporate Values of VRFUEL


1. Integrity

We always act with honesty and transparency, maintaining consistency between words and actions. Integrity is the pillar that guides all our interactions, both internal and external, ensuring that our business practices are fair and ethical.

2. Safety

We prioritize the safety of all our employees, customers, and the community. We implement strict safety protocols in our operations to prevent accidents and ensure that all workers return home safely every day.

3. Sustainability

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations. We promote the responsible use of resources and adopt sustainable technologies and practices to protect the environment for future generations.

4. Quality

We are committed to providing high-quality products and services that meet or exceed our customers' expectations. Our focus on quality is reflected in every stage of our process, from the selection of raw materials to the final delivery.


5. Innovation

We value and promote innovation to continuously improve our products and processes. We encourage creativity and innovation among our employees to find sustainable solutions that meet industry challenges and customer needs.


6. Respect

We treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of role, position, or background. Respect permeates our corporate culture, influencing the way we interact with colleagues, partners, and communities.


7. Responsibility

We take full responsibility for our actions and the impacts they can have on others and the environment. We are committed to making responsible choices and being transparent in our communications and relationships.


8. Collaboration

We believe in the power of collaboration. We work together with colleagues, clients, and communities to achieve common goals. Collaboration allows us to leverage different perspectives and skills to achieve better results.


Sustainability Strategy of VRFUEL


1. Economic Sustainability


  • Stable Growth: Ensure stable and sustainable financial growth through service diversification and expansion into new markets.
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimize processes to reduce costs and improve efficiency, using advanced technologies and lean operating practices.
  • Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies to minimize financial exposure resulting from market fluctuations, regulations, or other external variables.



  • Develop strategic partnerships with other companies to expand the distribution network and access new market segments.
  • Invest in management software and systems to improve logistics and reduce waste and inefficiencies.


2. Social Sustainability


  • Community Engagement: Be an active player in local communities, supporting initiatives that promote social and economic development.
  • Health and Safety at Work: Ensure a safe and healthy work environment, exceeding the safety standards required by law.
  • Training and Development of Staff: Offer continuous training and professional development opportunities to employees.



  • Organize events and initiatives to support local projects that benefit education, the environment, and social well-being.
  • Conduct regular safety audits and implement safety training programs for employees.


3. Environmental Sustainability


  • Reduction of the Ecological Footprint: Decrease greenhouse gas emissions and improve the energy efficiency of operations.
  • Responsible Resource Management: Use resources responsibly, promoting recycling and waste reduction.
  • Sustainable Products: Develop and promote products that meet high environmental standards.



  • Invest in clean technologies to reduce emissions from vehicles and equipment used in operations.
  • Adopt green purchasing policies, favoring suppliers who follow sustainable practices.
  • Implement an environmental management system to monitor and manage the environmental impact of operations.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy of VRFUEL



This policy is designed to support a work environment where diversity is valued, equal opportunity is guaranteed, and every employee feels respected and motivated to contribute to the company's success.


VRFUEL SRL is committed to:

  • Promoting Diversity: Recognizing and valuing the different facets of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
  • Ensuring Equality: Ensuring that all employees have equal opportunities for development and advancement, based on merit and skills.
  • Fostering Inclusion: Creating an inclusive environment where everyone can feel an integral part of the team and contribute openly.


Guiding Principles

  • Non-Discrimination: No employee or candidate will be discriminated against based on age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, skin color, ethnic origin, religion, disability, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Equal Opportunity: Hiring, promoting, and evaluating employees solely on professional criteria and ability to contribute to business goals.
  • Training and Development: Provide D&I training at all levels of the organization to raise awareness and encourage inclusive behaviors.
  • Support for Diversity: Support employee resource groups and other initiatives that promote diversity and minority integration.
  • Mutual Respect: Create a work environment that promotes mutual respect and condemns any form of harassment or discrimination.



  • Direction: Ensure that the D&I policy is clearly communicated, implemented, and monitored for effectiveness.
  • HR Managers: Implement recruitment, training, and development practices that reflect the goals of D&I.
  • Employees: Every staff member is responsible for adhering to D&I principles and for contributing to a respectful and collaborative work environment.


Monitoring and Review

  • Periodic Evaluations: The policy will be regularly reviewed and assessed to ensure it is effectively implemented and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Employee Feedback: Surveys and regular meetings will be conducted to collect direct feedback from employees on the effectiveness of D&I initiatives.


Actions in Case of Non-Conformity

Violations of the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy will be dealt with utmost seriousness. VRFUEL SRL will adopt appropriate measures, including discipline up to possible dismissal, to address any behavior that contravenes this policy.

VRFUEL SRL's commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion is vital for building a strong and cohesive corporate culture that reflects the company's values and contributes to its ongoing success in the industry.



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